Monday, May 7, 2012

More Special Education District 75

The following programs and services are provided by District 75:
Applied LearningApplied Learning focuses on the skill set students will require to become productive members of society
ArtsThe Arts Department offers students multifaceted arts experiences....
AssessmentThe link to the DOE's  Division of Assessment and Accountability and New York State's Office of Alternate Assessment....
Assistive TechnologyThe Assistive Technology Office provides evaluations, trainings, materials, resources and professional development for Assistive Technology devices and related methods of integration of these devices. The Technology Solutions Evaluation Team assesses students (in collaboration with school staff and families) for appropriate and effective use with Communication Devices, Access Tools, and other technology to facilitate access to curriculum, information and instruction that will become IEP mandated for the student. The Assistive Technology Team procures the recommended equipment, re-evaluates for new equipment as needed, facilitates repairs and supports schools in the use of programmatic Assistive Technology Devices.
AttendanceAttendance Services and Home Schooling Forms.
AutismTo serve as a resource to D75 programs for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders....
CounselingDistrict 75 provides counseling services to its students....
Early ChildhoodThe Office of Early Childhood is committed to providing teachers with stellar professional training that addresses developmentally appropriate practices that match the way young children develop and learn.
English Language LearnersThe purpose of the Office of English Language Learning is to ensure equitable standards-based bilingual and ESL educational services
HealthSchool Health Services are designed to address the specific health needs of the student....
HearingHearing education services are designed to provide intensive instruction in speech reading, auditory training and language development...
Individualized Education ProgramAn Individualized Educational Program describes the special education and related services specifically designed to meet the unique educational needs of a student with a disability.
Inclusive EducationInclusion in District 75 is a method of providing special education services in the least restrictive environment....
Interpreting ServicesThe Office of Sign Language Interpreting Services provides sign language interpreting services for all Board of Education non-classroom activities....
LiteracyThe mission of the district literacy team is to enhance literacy programs in all District 75 schools, so that students may become lifelong readers and writers.
MathematicsUsing the New York State Standards and following the Core Curriculum as a foundation for math instruction, teachers engage their students in a rigorous math program
Multiple DisabilitiesMultiple disabilities (also known as "multiply-challenged") refers to a student with concomitant impairments, such as mental retardation and orthopedic impairment, and so on....
Occupational TherapyOccupational Therapy emphasizes independence in activities of daily living....
Office of Related and Contractual ServicesContracted agencies are issued a transmittal requesting service when there are no Department of Education therapists available to serve students....
Physical Education/Adaptive P.E.To support schools and teachers in helping all students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors that lead to lifelong physical, mental, emotional and social wellness.
Physical TherapyPhysical Therapy emphasizes physical function and independence in various settings including the classroom....
Positive Behavior Intervention SupportThe Office of Positive Behavior Support utilizes trained staff to foster school-wide PBIS initiatives.
Related Services Related services are defined as developmental, corrective and other support services required to assist a student with a disability to benefit from instruction.
School SafetyFostering safe and positive environments for students....
ScienceThe vision for improving student achievement in science rests on the ability to provide opportunities for students to become immersed in a variety of hands-on/minds-on learning experiences....
Social StudiesThe Social Studies Department is focused on helping all students use a variety of learning skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas....
SpeechSpeech/Language therapy is provided by teachers of speech improvement.
STOPPThe STOPP initiative has been designed by District 75/citywide programs to provide “hands-on” assistance to community schools participating in the Phase I reform.
Teacher EffectivenessTeacher Effectiveness offers additional instructional strategies and tools above and beyond the core curriculum and IEP mandates....
Technology SolutionsThe Technology Office provides instruction and professional development, equipment disbursement (both programmatic and IEP-driven), and technology support to teachers, administrators, and parents.
TransitionIs focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement from school to post-school activities....
Travel TrainingThe Travel Training Program is a comprehensive program that teaches students with disabilities how to travel safely and independently on public transportation.
Educational Vision ServicesEducational Vision Services provides instruction in utilizing Braille, Nemeth Code, large print, optical and non-optical low vision devices and other skills....

    District 75  |  400 First Avenue, New York, NY 10010  |  (212) 802-1500  |  Contact

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